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Several weeks ago, DFTD started a petition to urge Davidson College to guard students against faculty and staff who seek to inject irrelevant, controversial material into the classroom, or their program areas. Since that petition started, we have received over 300 signatures including:
In addition to these signatures, we had many people including current faculty, students, and alumni privately express support for the petition, but said that they were fearful of the consequences from the college if they signed.
We believe that such a strong response rate from the small number of people that we contacted is indicative of significant support among the alumni body when they’ve been made aware of our concerns. We hope the college will take this petition to the Board of Trustees and relevant faculty committees for serious consideration.
Thank you again to all who signed, and support DFTD. Your advocacy and philanthropy ensures our organization can continue to support students who wish to make Davidson a more ideological diverse campus that welcomes and celebrates robust civil discourse.
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